This is a quarter of it done with some more blocks at the cutting stage. More vines and flowers to add too - a gentle evening job I think.
This is a screen shot of the first eight blocks. I'll be getting down to cutting some more later. I get up far earlier than I need to but I love to spend quiet time making instructions after I've showered and had breakfast and before I leave for work.
Later in the day......
Having more energy has made me feel more energised if that makes sense. The fridge was a bit of a disgrace so I had a big sort and clean - not too much in the way of unrecognisable I'm pleased to say. There were some vegetables a bit past their best so I made some soup, Sweet potato, red peppers, onion, carrots and chilli - quite sweet but the chilli gives it a nice warm kick - two bowls for our tea and a pot to take to work tomorrow.

I'd planned some lasagne and chicken fajitas so I set that all away too.
What better thing in life is there than golden bubbling cheese? With the left over bolognese mixture I added spinach and some pasta for some more 'Will Boxes'. He can heat the chicken and put them in some wraps for his lunch.
A little sprinkle of parmesan only adds a few calories but makes all the difference. Oh and whilst the oven was on, I roasted a joint of lamb I bought last night.
I'm not that keen on lamb but Will loves it so I thought I'd slice it up so that he can use it for sandwiches or I can make the Sunday Lunch without having loads of pans to wash. I'll make some gravy with the juices and then there will be just the vegetables to cook fresh.
So now, just after 4pm I'm just having a cup of tea and then I'll get going with some lemon curd which I need for the little viennese whirls I'm going to make for the class tomorrow. Then I think I will settle down with some sewing. The ironing may or may not get done.
It has suddenly gone very dark - I'll just go and check to see if the sheets are dry yet. Its been a marvellous drying day today - bright sunshine and very windy. Double pegs required!
Phew it's a bit nippy out there! They weren't quite dry but there's no warmth out there now - the sun is just dipping behind the trees.
The weather has been strange this past week with all sorts - snow, wind, rain and bright sunny - even 'warm' days all the the space of a week. Some of the sunsets have been spectacular - this is over the course of twenty minutes one evening

John has been poorly and finally had to give in and take a day off work this week. He's been nursing a virus for more than a week but I got a call on Sunday to ask if I'd have Max who had kept him up for hours on Saturday night. I collected him and we helped Will feed the hens and kick a ball around the garden. Max is a terrible sleeper and they
Max is two and a half and is in the process of being diagnosed for autism. I don't think they have any doubts, they are just working out the level. He is charming, loving and extremely hard work. We just need to share it out more! Of course the work comes with plenty of cuddles.
He's got lovely wavy blond hair and I hate it when he has just been cut!
He's playing tickle tickle with Will, who grabs his hand and he goes into peals of laughter. He doesn't have as many melt-downs as he used to have - long may that continue, especially when Steph takes him out to the park and he doesn't want to come home! He goes to nursery three mornings a week and Steph takes him to a little group another morning. He could easily sit in his own little world for hours but I think the social contact has helped him a lot. He doesn't make much eye-contact but when he does it is such a joyful moment.
So I better get going or the lemon curd will be courtesy of Sainsbury's and I'll have a big pile of unused lemons.....