Project 22 - Pebbles and Pathways Socks - 5 June 2019
Project 21 - Blended Shawl - 27th May 2019
pattern by Michelle Krause - free on Ravelry
Yarn set from Lucy Locket Land 1 x 50g and 5 x 10g skeins
Project 20 - Little Accordian pouch - 23rd May 2019
Tutorial on YouTube.
Battenberg blanket in background is not finished! Nearly half way though.
Project 19 - Table Centre with Dresden Plate Quilting - May
This pattern and the cushion will be part of the workshop at High Street Quilting on 25th May
Project 18 - Cushion with Dresden Plate Quilting - April
Project 17 - First ever socks - March
Project 16 - a Flex Frame Pouch - April
Originally intended as a specs case
Lined with 'Minky' it matches the knitting bags and now houses the crochet hook I use for dropped stitch rescue.
Project 15 - Another Sew Together Bag - April
This time to store my knitting thingsLittle zippered pockets for stitch markers and tape measure
Made with linen and Tilda fabric - it matches my first project bag
Project 14 - Little Zippered Bag- April
Made with Suffolk Puffs, buttons and embroidered stems with a little hand-painted bee button.
Project 13 - Needle Keeper - April
Made with linen and lawn
Inside a little felt keeper for needles and pins (off cut felt from Luna Lapin's coat - yet to be made)
Project 12 - A Ruler Case - April
Slight error in the measurements for the sample - so it will only house the smaller rulers
It matches the Rotary Cutter Case I made at the end of last year - can you see a theme?
Project 11 - The Sunlight Shawl for Sad People - March
Knitted in 4ply from Stranded Dyeworks, colour-way 'Flower Crown' 100g used - 100% Merino singles
The above picture is not a good colour representation but shows the delicate edge being blocked
Mostly stockinette with a little lace detail up the middle and at the edge - this is a good colour representation, soft grey with little pops of colour.
Not yet blocked - nearly two metres wide
I found a section without mistakes - wow that Brioche was a learning curve. Note to self: if you had your time over - don't do it in almost identical colours and don't do it with increases until you know what you are doing.
I-cord bind off made a lovely neat edge
_________________________________________________________________________________Project 9 Needle Cosy for Circular Needles (Mini Project)
Project 7 - Baby Quilt from Tana Lawn
Project 6 - Zippered Bag - 17th February 2019
Project 5 - Grimnir Cowl - 1st February 2019
Project 4 - Sew Demented Sewing Bag - 23rd January 2019
Project 3 - Full size Thread Catcher and Pin Cushion- 15th January 2019
Project 2 - Mini Thread Catcher - 10th January 2019
A simple and quick project requested by the Thursday night class
Project 1- 1st January 2019
It's a long time since I knitted anything - but this slouchy hat just had to be done. Dust Land Hat by Stephen West using two skeins of Debbie Bliss Andes. Hats don't suit me and this is a bit soft and large but I loved making it. Just need to find it a home.....
Wow, so much in a year x