This is one of blocks from the class last Thursday. The light wasn't good and my phone is quite old so you can't see the beautiful rich purple background.
This lady's first quilt was soft browns and creams -
This is Marilyn pinning her creation together ready to quilt. Just as a matter of interest the quilt below is made with exactly the same block but every other block has been rotated. They don't look like the same block at all do they?
She started off the present quilt with purples and is thoroughly enjoying branching out into bright colours, much to the disgust of her daughter-in-law! You don't have to make quilts that match your decor all the time do you? Colours make your heart sing. The purple one is singing loud and confident! I'll get a photo of the completed thing.
I've got another block on the go at the moment but I've done something for the second time with this quilt - I've made a 9" block instead of a 12" block. I'll add another border.....
Perhaps I will get round to the Diamond Star too. I should really shouldn't I.
What about the crochet blanket?????
I tried a couple of different borders but ended up with a really simple one. I wanted to have a slightly lacy edge but it looked naff in white or ecru.
I wanted something in keeping with the rest of the blanket, but not just stripes. I ended up with a little cluster of shells on the final row which fits in nicely with the shape of the Maybelle Flower. Thankfully I had enough yarn.

I love the vintage look but at 30" x 36" it isn't a practical size for anything except a pram blanket and I just don't think it would stand up to the rigours of frequent washing.
There is quite a lot of the coloured yarn left now so I'm going to make some little discs from these and turn them into squares later. I've ordered some Bergere de France Coton Fifty which is a close equivalent (also much cheaper than importing the original yarn from Sweden). If I just use this yarn for the border rows then it should work out ok.I like the discs better than the square design even though it's quite like the maybelle flower (smaller though) and will just keep going until I run of of yarn. This little thing should fit my 15 minutes per day goal. It's easy to get out, doesn't take any time to set up or put away and each little circle takes less than ten minutes. I got the pattern from Sue Pinner's book, 'Granny Squares' which has fabulously clear instructions. I found the Maybelle Blanket quite messy to do with the pattern instructing you to skip stitches quite a lot. Sometimes when I came to the bit where you had to skip a stitch it looked better and fitted better if I didn't skip the stitch. I love the end result though.
The cakes from my 'bakery' this week were Tiramisu Cupcakes. Seen here at Hilary's because I forgot to take a picture at home.
Mocha cakes with marscapone topping flavoured with Calvados (the only spirit I had!). I have had to make extra cakes recently because I take some to work as well. Will had four put aside to take down to Alex's this week but he forgot to pack them in the car. Martyr that I am I managed to eat them before they went stale. The things you do for your kids.
Well I'm off to make some Macaroni Cheese for tea. I've got some stewing beef in the fridge so I might put a casserole in the oven at the same time. I have to make sure I put the extra in the freezer for later before Will polishes it all off in one sitting. I always feel better coming home from work knowing there is something ready for dinner, so it's a disappointment when Will has scoffed it all before I get there! Until next time. xx
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