Sunday, 13 May 2018

Is this the last Sunday lunch?

We sat down tonight with Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding.  Me, Will, Alex. They have found a house to rent while they look for one to buy. Alex moves up next weekend and starts her new job straight away.  My last baby is leaving the nest. How strange it feels. Probably the last Sunday lunch I will make with my family living at home.  Will strimmed the weeds in the garden whilst I cooked the Sunday Lunch and Alex made chocolate mousse. I can feel her concern, she reassures me they will be here again, pottering, helping, cooking Sunday Lunch.

Another rite of passage.

It was hard sending them to the first day at school, letting them catch the bus home from the disco, getting a job, going on holiday without me... a lifetime of learning to let go; to let go with pride in the beautiful people they have grown up to be.  Will the space be overwhelming?  Will I be lonely? Will they worry about me? (I think they already do). Life's a funny old thing isn't it?


  1. Oh Brendie, I worry about mine leaving already and here you are writing about it! I'm sure you will never be lonely and there are so many of your 'crafty' friends on hand to keep you company. x

  2. Thanks Bernice. It's something that every parent has to face. Difficult to imagine when they are little that one day they will be independent people! Treasure every moment. B.
